Thank you for choosing our Kawagoe Tobu Hotel.
We would like to introduce the hotel information asshown in below.You can see it in TV for more details.
For other information, please contact.
フロアガイドFloor guide
【8F~11F 客室】 ・自動販売機・製氷機・電子レンジ |
【8F〜11F guest room】 ・Vending machine ・ice machine ・microwave |
【7F フロント】 ・コインランドリー ・コーヒーマシン・喫煙室 |
【7F Front desk】 ・Coin laundry ・coffee machine ・smoking zone |
【2F 朝食会場】 川越薪火料理 in the park 6:30~10:00(最終入店9:30) |
【2F Breakfast venue】 KAWAGOE MAKIBI RYORI in the park 6:30〜10:00(last enter 9:30) |
Emergency exit

◆ Wi-Fi ◆ SSID tobuhotel-gw PASSWARD tobuhotel168r0629 |
◆ Wi-Fi ◆ SSID tobuhotel-gw PASSWARD tobuhotel168r0629 |
◆エレベーターご利用方法◆ ボタン下にあるセンサーにカードキーをかざしてから客室階をご選択ください。 |
◆Usage of elevator◆ There is a black card key sensor inside an elevator. So please place a card key over a sensor and then press a floor button. |
◆貸出備品◆ 各種貸出備品等はフロントにてお渡しております。 |
◆Rental equipment◆ Various type of rental equipment is available at thefront desk. |
◆コーヒーマシン◆ 7階ロビーに無料のコーヒーマシンをご用意しております。 |
◆Coffee machine◆ We have a coffee machine on the 7th floor which is supplementary. |
滞在中の案内Guidance during stay
◆客室タブレット使用方法◆ 客室内にあるタブレット端末にてモーニングコール・空調設定・照明・滞在中の清掃指示の各種設定が出来ます。 |
◆Usage of tablet◆ Air condition, lights can be adjusted, alarm and cleaning instructions can be set by a tablet inside a room. |
◆滞在中の清掃について◆ 10:00~14:00の間に清掃致します。詳しくは、客室内にございますご案内をご覧下さいませ。 |
◆Time schedule of room cleaning◆ It starts from10:00a.m to 2:00p.m Please have a look at blueprint for more details. |
Cautious points
・Checkout time is at 11:00am.
・Please use nightwear and slippers only inside a room.
・Between 24:00-5:00a.m an automatic door on the lobby floor will be locked for the strong security.
place the card key over the sensor to unlock.
・All rooms are non-smoking type. If you violent a rule fine will be 30,000Yen as a room cleaning charge.
・Please confirm the location of the emergency exits with the map on your room door.
・We recommend that you put your valuables in an in-room safe.
We are not liable for loss of valuables outside of an in-room safe.
・Please make sure to lock the door when you go out, and bring your key with you.
・Be sure to read the Terms and Conditions for Accommodation,
Rules and Regulations, and Instructions for Emergencies.
■ 館内案内
■ 周辺情報