駐車場 -INFORMATION-2024年6月16日
・ご宿泊者優待料金 1泊2,000円/1台
・入庫可能サイズ:車高 2.1m未満/車幅1.9m未満/車長5.0m未満、最低車床13cm以上
【U_PLACE Parking lot】
・Parking fee is 2,000 yen per night.You can enter and exit the vehicle from check-in to check-out without any additional charges.
・If you use the parking lot, you will need a service ticket to open the gate.
・Please remember to pick up your service ticket at the front desk.
・When leaving the parking lot, be sure to insert the parking ticket first before inserting the service ticket.
・When you return to the parking lot, please receive a new parking ticket.
・Please present your new parking ticket to the front desk and receive a new service ticket.
・There is no private parking lot of our hotel. So you can use U_PLACE’s parking lot. Can park anywhere in an empty space from 3rd floor to 5th floor. It is at the backside of the hotel building.
・3rd floor of parking lot is connected to the 2nd floor of hotel building.
・You can also park before check in and after checkout time by 200Yen for 30mins.
・Get a parking ticket at the gate. Please bring parking ticket to the front desk and pay 2000Yen. Then we will give you service ticket.
・You can use parking lot as much as you want during your stay. Coming in and going out is free for 24hrs.
※In case, you forgot to take service ticket from the front desk and paid extra charge at the gate, we can’t refund your money. So please do not forget to take service ticket before going to parking lot.
精算方法Payment method

① 駐車場の出庫ゲートの精算機に駐車券を入れる
・Insert the parking ticket into the payment machine at the exit gate of the parking lot.
・주차장 출고 게이트 정산기에 주차권 넣기

② 金額が表示されたらサービス券を入れて精算してください
・When you insert your parking ticket, the parking fee will be displayed, so please insert the service ticket where you inserted your parking ticket.
・금액이 표시되면 서비스권을 넣어 정산해 주세요
入出庫口のご案内On the entrance/exit




When you go down from the 7th floor of the hotel to the 2nd floor, you will find a seven-Eleven on your right.
If you follow the road to the right of 7-Eleven, you will reach the entrance to the parking lot.
Once you have completed your payment at the pre-payment machine located right at the entrance, the exit gate will automatically open.
Please leave the parking lot within 15 minutes after paying. Additional charges will apply after 15 minutes.